“Descent to the Dead” Featured on Poetry Daily and in Vallum 15:2

… The song
needs only paltry you to live. lt wants
to catch the blood of your wandering
attention, drink it, give it
a body.

My poem, “Descent to the Dead” is today’s featured poem on Poetry Daily.

Click here to read the poem in full.

Poetry Daily chose “Descent to the Dead” from the most recent issue of Vallum (15:2) “The Chase,” where it appears, alongside my poem, “Nazareth,” as an except from my forthcoming chapbook in Vallum’s Chapbook Series, The Art of Surgery. (You can read more about Vallum’s chapbook series, here.)

All this as a means of saying, you can read “Descent to the Dead” in two places, and soon, in three. I hope you’ll choose ALL formats. As the context of the poem changes, so does the poem itself.

“Descent to the Dead” on Poetry Daily

Vallum (15:2)


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