This morning, at a meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee at City Hall, I was honoured to be chosen as the next Poet Laureate of the City of Toronto. This appointment must still be made official in a meeting of City Council on March 28, 2019.
Per the City’s Press Release: “The position of Toronto’s Poet Laureate began in 2001. The position honours a Toronto poet whose work displays excellence and who has written on themes relevant to Torontonians. The Laureate is an ambassador for poetry and the arts and infuses poetry into a range of official and informal city activities to attract people to the literary world. The Poet Laureate’s mandate also includes the creation of a legacy project that will be unique to the individual. Moritz’s legacy project will be announced at a later date.”
I look forward to engaging with Torontonians around poetry’s particular gifts: its unique, necessary knowledge, and its powerful search for community, for what makes us both different and alike.
You can read the official News Release here.
For more information about the role, please see the city’s website: toronto.ca/poetlaureate
Additional Press:

David Rider, “New poet laureate, A.F. Moritz, calls Toronto an ‘outstanding little city-state’” The Star, March 6, 2019.

Twitter Screen Grabs:
City of Toronto: https://twitter.com/cityoftoronto/status/1103314750501502977 Councillor Paula Fletcher: https://twitter.com/PaulaFletcherTO/status/1103315645305929728 Mayor John Tory: https://twitter.com/JohnTory/status/1103317892228173825 City of Toronto: https://twitter.com/cityoftoronto/status/1103370968129511427 David Rider/Toronto Star: https://twitter.com/dmrider/status/1103344291626344450 CP24: https://twitter.com/CP24/status/1103325516625522689 Live with Culture: https://twitter.com/livewithculture/status/1103331939912683520 Jacob McArthur Mooney: https://twitter.com/McArthurMooney/status/1103347155069227011