Spring Minstrels and Bards

Join me on Tuesday, April 25th at 5:45 pm, in the Southern Cross Lounge at the Tranzac Club in Toronto for Minstrels and Bards. Hosted by Brenda Clews, Minstrels and Bards is a quarterly Soirée celebrating writing and music.

For Spring 2023, Beatriz Hausner and I will be the featured poets, along with featured musicians Glen Hornblast and Sara Craig. Anita Keller will be the highlight.

During the open mic portion of the evening, all forms of music and writing are welcome. The host passes the hat for the features, where a $10 donation is recommended. Though, any amount is appreciated.

The Tranzac is fully accessible. The Living Room is an intimate room that can seat 45 people. There is a bar in the Southern Cross Lounge, which also has snacks. Masks are required in common areas, though you may remove them once you are seated.

As this is an intimate venue, there is an audience capacity limit! Please pre-register for this free event via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/…/the-spring-edition-2023-of…

Visit the Minstrels and Bards Facebook Page or view this specific event therein.

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