A.F. Moritz served as the City of Toronto’s Sixth Poet Laureate: March 2019 to May 5, 2023.
The following is a link-rich timeline of the poet’s activities in the role.

Moritz’s Appointment as Poet Laureate is Announced in City of Toronto’s Economic and Cultural Development Committee Meeting, and the announcement is covered in the press.
City of Toronto: Press Release: Poet Laureate [pdf]
The Role of Toronto’s Poet Laureate [website] [pdf]
Edward Keenan, “Toronto’s new poet laureate A. F. Moritz….,” The Star, March 6, 2019 [website] | [pdf]
Steven W. Beattie, “A. F. Moritz Named Toronto’s Sixth Poet Laureate,” Quill and Quire, March 6, 2019 [website] | [pdf]
Johshua Freeman, “Al Moritz Named Next Poet Laureate,” CP24 dot com, March 6, 2019 [website] | [pdf]
David Rider, “New Poet Laureate, A. F. Moritz….” The Star, March 6, 2019 [website][pdf]
Moritz is interviewed by CBC Metro Morning’s Matt Galloway. Included in the interview is his poem, “The Worm Picker” from The Ruined Cottage (1993).
A private presentation on poetry to the Scrivener Square Poetry Group in respect of the recent announcement regarding the Laureate post.
Moritz gives a reading at the Parliament Street Public Library for the anthology: Tamracks: Canadian Poetry for the 21st Century and is introduced as Toronto’s Sixth Poet Laureate at the event.
Mayor John Tory introduces Moritz as the City of Toronto’s Sixth Poet Laureate. Moritz reads “By St. Nicholas Catholic Ukrainian Church” from The Ruined Cottage (1993).
Moritz attends the City’s commemoration of the Yonge Street Tragedy and reads, “Their Charge of Love,” a poem written for the occasion. The Poem is reprinted in full in the Toronto Star:
A.F. Moritz, “Read Toronto Poet Laureate Al Moritz’s Poem Commemorating Van Attack Tragedy,” The Star, April 23, 2019. [website] | [pdf]
Toronto’s Poet Laureate introduces three young poets at an event in the Poet Condos, organized via Toronto Cultural Development and the East End Arts association.
Steven W. Beattie, “A.F. Moritz on being poet laureate, his new chapbook, and ‘the glory and the tragedy of being human,'” Quill & Quire, April 25, 2019. [website] | [pdf]
The Poet Laureate attends the Toronto Mayor’s Arts Lunch.
Moritz reads from The Sparrow for The Scrivener Square Writing Group.
Moritz serves as a judge at the Scarborough Poetry Slam at Wexford Collegiate, a competition of the finalists chosen from previous school slams.
Moritz speaks on potential contributions of Poet Laureate to City of Toronto contribution to local BIAs at a meeting of BIA representatives and city councillors at City Hall.
“The Current of the Sugar”, a poem written for Redpath Sugar’s Open Doors Toronto celebration (scheduled for May 25) of the 60th year of its factory on the Toronto waterfront is published in the Toronto Star online edition, along with an extensive story about the Poet Laureate having been “disinvited” by Redpath from reading the poem, having found it “not celebratory enough.” The story was based upon telephone and personal interviews with AFM and a photo session with Moritz that afternoon, resulting from a contact originating from The Star.
Brendan Kennedy, “Redpath Sugar asked Toronto’s Poet Laureate to write a poem for its anniversary, but he refused to sugar-coat it,” The Star, May 23, 2019. [website] | [pdf]
The hosts of CBC’s As It Happens read Moritz’s controversial poem, “The Current of Sugar” and discuss the controversy with Redpath Sugar. The poem is re-broadcast on CBC’s Metro Morning on March 27, 2019.
Moritz attends the opening of Redpath Sugar’s Open Doors Toronto day and celebration of the 60th anniversary of its plant’s opening on the Toronto waterfront. However, he does not read his poem. The Toronto Star publishes its story from its Thursday online edition, and a text of “The Current of the Sugar”, as the whole of page 3 of the first section of its Saturday edition.
Brendan Kennedy, “Redpath Sugar asked Toronto’s Poet Laureate to write a poem for its anniversary, but he refused to sugar-coat it,” The Star, May 23, 2019. [website] | [pdf]
Moritz’s website post:
Moritz is the featured reader at the Department of English, University of Toronto, Spring Reunion, held at St. Michael’s College, UofT. The invitation is a recognition of the selection of Moritz, a member of the Department, to the Toronto laureateship. Moritz reads several poems from The Sparrow: Selected Poems (2018).
Moritz attends the Walk-With Excellence assembly at C. W. Jefferys High School and leads the students of the four high schools assembled in chanting the poem/rap written for the occasion, and which they had printed on t-shirts that they wore.
Danforth Tragedy Commemoration ceremony at Withrow Park. Moritz delivers brief remarks and reads “Days of July: The Danforth,” an original poem written for the occasion.
Moritz communicates with the Bloorcourt BIA, visits the area inspects the streetscape and locations, and submits a poem, “Passerby,” for use in a forthcoming street installation. The poem is accepted. Work continues in the selection of several other passages from Canadian poets to use in Bloorcourt street installations.
Moritz consults with the city of Toronto’s Cultural Development and fellow artists to help create a plaque for deceased Toronto poet Joe Rosenblatt.
The Poet Laureate appears at the Toronto Star Tent at Toronto’s Word on the Street for a panel on “Writing With The City in Mind.” Moritz joins authors Devyani Saltzman and Kevin Hardcastle for a discussion about writers and writing in Toronto moderated by Deborah Dundas.
Moritz gives a presentation on poetry and medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children, to the hospital staff association’s book club. A large attendance included also many persons from the poetry community and the general public. The Poet Laureate’s presentation included poems by several poets, including an original poem, “The Healer is Dead,” written for the occasion.
Event listing | Website Announcement
Discussions that occurred at this event between Dr. Conor Mc Donnell, poet and SickKids doctor, other SickKids staff members, and several poets, particularly Kate Marshall Flaherty, lead to the establishment of “Poetry and Healing,” a yearly fund-raiser poetry reading in support of SickKids, co-sponsored by SickKids and the League of Canadian Poets. The first “Poetry and Healing” reading is scheduled and announced for April 5, 2020, at the Supermarket nightclub and restaurant.
“The Healer is Dead,” Poem and Meditation from the 2020 event:
Moritz attends the Jaipur Literary Festival Toronto with Sally Han of Cultural Development, an event held at the Fermenting Cellar in Toronto’s Distillery District.
Moritz records an extensive interview with CBC’s Michael Enright which is published, in part, and airs, in full, in December (See Below).
In the evening, Moritz reads at Toronto’s long-established Art Bar reading series with poets Julia Gibson and Gary Barwin.
This Windsor-favourite poetry event features the City of Windsor’s poet laureate hosting an intimate evening of poetry and discussion with guest poets laureate from across Canada at the Willistead Manor. This year’s event features: A.F. Moritz (Poet Laureate, Toronto); Steven Ross Smith (Poet Laureate, Banff); Victoria Butler (Poet Laureate, Barrie); and Micheline Maylor (Poet Laureate Emeritus, Calgary). Windsor’s Youth Poet Laureate, Samantha Badaoa also shares her work at the event. Moritz reads three poems from The Sparrow: Selected Poems (2018). Moritz reads at a Windsor high school the following day.
The Poet Laureate makes a presentation on “story poems” to the Literary and Lemon Peel Society, a private poetry study group for interested high school students. The meeting is held in a home on Montclair Avenue.
Arts & Letters Club presentation of Moritz’s poetry and of Michael Redhill’s new book of poetry (Twitch Force) and recent novel (Bellevue Square), in an “in conversation with” format.
International Festival of Authors, Harbourfront Centre: Moritz is welcomed as Toronto Poet Laureate before a reading of his included poem at the book launch event for The Best Canadian Poetry 2019 anthology.
At the Free Times Café, Moritz participates in, and helped organize, a tribute memorial reading and celebration of the great Chilean-Canadian poet Ludwig Zeller, d. August 1, 2019 in Oaxaca, Mexico.
The Poet Laureate Attends the Mayor’s Evening for the Arts.
Event Listing
Also, Moritz’s previously unpublished poem, “Faith in Hell,” appears in the Toronto Star. The poem is dedicated to Margaret Atwood on the occasion of her 80th birthday.
Poem. “Faith in Hell.” The Star, November 18, 2019. [website] | [reprint]
Moritz is the featured reader at a poetry reading at the Toronto Public Library Annette Street branch. He is billed and welcomed as Toronto Poet Laureate.
Moritz appears with poet Janice Jo Lee at the Shab-e She’r LXXX Poetry Night.
Moritz attends the City of Toronto Christmas Concert at City Hall and delivers a poem written for the event, “The Star and the Animals.”
Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church, St. Clair Avenue West: Moritz attends the funeral Mass for former Toronto Poet Laureate Pier Giorgio DiCicco (d. December 22), along with former laureates Dennis Lee, George Elliott Clarke, Dionne Brand, and Anne Michaels, and many members of the literary community. Moritz continues in conversation with Anne Michaels in planning a permanent memorial for the poet.
Moritz delivers a Keynote Address, “Words are Bridges and the Word is You,” to the Toronto Writers Collective. This meeting assembles and celebrates all the organization’s facilitators (i.e., writing workshop leaders); Ralph Thornton Community Centre. 765 Queen Street East.
A memorial celebration for Pier Giorgio DiCicco, second Toronto Poet Laureate, d. December 22, 2019. Moritz arranged many of the speakers and the order of proceedings, acted as emcee, delivered prepared introductory remarks and extempore introductions of speakers and closing remarks, read poems by Giorgio, on his own behalf and for invited speakers who had to send regrets. The event took place between 7 and 9 p.m. in the Members’ Lounge of Toronto City Hall’s Council Chambers, 100 Queen Street West.
As Toronto Poet Laureate and as a member of Victoria University in the University of Toronto and of the Department of English, University of Toronto, Moritz composes and delivers welcoming remarks introducing George Elliott Clarke for his Pelham Edgar Lecture at the University of Toronto, Isabel Bader Theatre, Charles Street West.
The League of Canadian Poets and Toronto’s Union Station present Poetry in Union 2020, a public art experience.
At this event, a selection of Toronto’s strongest, most diverse and most talented poets provide personalized poetry on request to reflect participants’ own experiences and stories. Moritz delivers the opening address at noon in Union Station.
Moritz begins his second year in the role of Toronto’s Poet Laureate.
At the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic, CBC Radio’s Michael Enright canvassed Canadian writers for their book recommendations in a time of crisis. That weekend, at home, I recorded my thoughts on returning to Juan Ramón Jiménez’s The Invisible Reality during the corona virus pandemic. This interview-in-isolation became part of CBC Radio’s most recent episode of The Sunday Edition, “Books for Solace, Perspective, and Connection During Self-Isolation.” In the piece, Enright links my thoughts on Jiménez with the recommendations of fellow writers Ariel Leutheusser, Rohan Maitzen, Robert Macfarlane, and Sharon Bala.
Read the summary and listen to the interview on CBC’s website.
Or listen here:
In March, 2020, Moritz writes the poem “Thoughts in Time of Plague”, suggested by Toronto Cultural Development and seconded by the Toronto Star. The poem is published on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, as most of the front page of the Star print edition, and in the Star online, where in addition, a video of Moritz reading the poem was posted.
Poem. “Thoughts in Time of Plague.” The Star, April 1, 2020. [website] | [reprint]
“Poetry and Healing”, the ongoing initiative of the League of Canadian Poets that was initiated by Moritz’s presentation at SickKids Hospital in 2019, was switched online when a planned fundraiser at The Supermarket was cancelled due to the pandemic. A series of poetry videos by the participants were put online over the course of the month. 11 poets presented poems, with discussion and musical backing. This series includes Moritz’s “The Healer Is Dead”, the poem that he wrote for, and presented in the original (Sept., 2019) event at SickKids that led to the creation of “Poetry and Healing.” Online contributions garnered from the “Poetry and Healing” online videos garnered more than $1,000 that was donated to SickKids.
The launch date for Moritz’s book, As Far as You Know (Anansi), Moritz’s first full-length publication during his tenure as Poet Laureate of Toronto.
Event Listing | Website Announcement | Book Page
The League of Canadian Poets and Biblioasis present Moritz’s poem, “A Slender Presence” on their Poetry Pause site in celebration of National Poetry Month.
Poem. “Slender Presence.” Poetry Pause, Biblioasis x League of Canadian Poets, April 14, 2020. [website] | [image]
Moritz is the featured reader on Poetry & Healing. You can hear him read his poem, “The Healer is Dead” followed by a meditation and poetry prompt set to a musical score by Cathy Nosaty:
Towards the end of National Poetry Month, Moritz had the pleasure of speaking with Tom Power of CBC Radio’s Q about his poem “Thoughts in Time of Plague.”
CBC also posted a video of Moritz reading the poem on their Facebook page:
Moritz is cited, in his role as Laureate, by Catherine Porter, for a New York Times, Canada Dispatch article about a Fox Family in Toronto’s Beaches Neighbourhood during Covid-19 social distancing.
New York Times: Toronto Fox Family Transfixes City Under Lockdown, May 18, 2020 | [pdf] | Website Announcement
Moritz takes part in the #onpoli podcast to discuss the creation of the new role of Poet Laureate for Ontario in the name of Gord Downie. As a way of suggesting what the new Ontario Laureate will have in store, Steve Paikin and Moritz have a lively discussion of Moritz’s role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate. They speak, in particular, about the process of writing and presenting poetry for the one-year anniversaries of the North York Van Attack and the Danforth Shooting tragedies, and what they’ve meant to him.
Listen Here:
Moritz is invited to create a piece with his son, the artist and poet, Blaise Moritz, for the Covid-19 Responsive Public Art Project: It’s All Right Now. The project aims to speak to the multiplicity of calming and coping strategies used by the people of Toronto in response to the pandemic. Co-produced by The Bentway and Cossette, #It’sAllRightNow gathers 20 Toronto-based artists to respond to inquiry: What Words are You Living By Now?
This Moritz and Moritz collaborative piece appeared across the city on screens and surfaces, including digital billboards, wild postings, and a mobile video truck.
Website Announcement
Moritz reads his poem “A Song of Excellence” for the 2020 (virtual edition) of the Walk With Excellence, an annual march and festival celebrating excellence among high-school students of diverse cultural backgrounds.
For the full virtual celebration, see FJGRADWALKS2020 on Youtube.
Here is a clip of Moritz’s video appearance from that event:
Moritz’s brief pre-recorded greeting is included in the City of Toronto’s virtual Canada Day Celebrations fro 2020.
For the inaugural episode of the Different Boat, Same Storm Podcast, Moritz appears as the featured interview.
Here’s the interview on Youtube:
Or Listen to the episode on Spotify (or wherever you download your podcasts:
KFB, aka Knife Fork Book, offers a twelve-month subscription series. And Moritz’s As Far As You Know is part of the July/August duo! The package is a two-book Poet Laureate set, also featuring Sue Goyette’s Antithesis: A Memoir from Gaspereau Press.
This Tuesday Night’s instalment of HOWL on CIUT 89.5 FM Toronto features Moritz interviewed by Valentino Assenza.
Listen to the last 30 minutes of this interview, Moritz’s portion, here:
In partnership with the League of Canadian Poets, the Eden Mills Writers Festival presents “Hot Nights, Cool Poets.” The event is a virtual night of readings from poets including: Cicely Belle Blain, Burning Sugar, Sadiqa de Meijer, The Outer Wards, Mathew Henderson, Roguelike, Julie Joosten, Nought, Canisia Lubrin, The Dyzgraphxst, Randy Lundy, Field Notes for the Self, A. F. Moritz, As Far As You Know, Tyler Pennock, Bones, Rasiqra Revulva, Cephalopography 2.0, Kevin Spenst, Hearts Amok, John Steffler, And Yet, Lily Wang, Saturn Peach.
On Saturday, August 29, at 3:00 p.m., Moritz took part in Poetry in Translation: East Meets West, a zoom interview with Anna Yin. They read and discussed poetry and translation, touching upon the myth of “lost in translation,” the art of re-creation, and the mutual exchange or benefits of the process. The audience was then invited to respond.
Moritz’s appearance is part of a series of four interviews and a break-out session, featuring poets Molly Peacock [Aug 14, 8:00pm], myself, [Aug 29, 3:00pm], Alice Major [Sept 11,8:00pm] and George Elliott Clarke [Sept 25, 8:00pm] in conversation with translator Anna Yin. A fifth, summarizing session then followed [Oct 3, 3:00pm].
Here is the video of the One-on-One:
And here is the Break-out-session:
For Thin Air, the online 2020 Winnipeg International Writers Festival, Moritz contributed a reading of 11 poems from his new book, As Far As You Know as well as an explanation of the roots of some of these pieces. He also delivered a talk on the social justice aspect of some of the poems in the book. The reading is still available on video:
Toronto’s Poet Laureate attends the 2020 Mayor’s Arts Luncheon, held online due to the pandemic.
Toronto Word on the Street Presents “Poets on the Tangibility of Living.” Poets Sachiko Murakami (Render), Randy Lundy (Field Notes for the Self), and A.F.Moritz traverse a series of befores and afters, experiencing the darknesses of life and exploring what comes after. This event is moderated by Kirby of Knife | Fork | Book.
In the fall of 2020, the city of Toronto reveals a bench in the Bloorcourt village area with an engraved poem by Moritz.
Photo credit: Paul Vermeersch
Photo Credit: Ana Bilao
Media: Ana Bilao, Toronto Davenport City Councilor, Update, October 8, 2020.
Poetry in Translation: East Meets West One-on-One”, organized by poet and former Poet Laureate of Mississauga, Anna Yin. This is the concluding meeting in the event of five linked readings under the topic. The concluding meeting gathers all four poets—Moritz, George Elliot Clarke, Alice Major, and Molly Peacock—and adds contributions from Anna Yin herself and poet Michael Mirolla, publisher of Guernica Editions, which will publish a book of English-Chinese poetry translations by Anna.
Moritz Takes part in the 2020 online edition of the Toronto International Festival of Authors.
Moritz acts as host and introducer for a poetry and fiction reading by six Toronto Writers Collective authors in the IFOA Festival at Harbourfront. This event also serves as the book launch for two new anthologies of writers published by the Toronto Writers Collective, including, together, several dozen poets and authors.
Toronto’s Poet Laureate participates in the Tartan Turban Secret Readings #27, A Political Poetry Reading, curated by Kate Rogers and Bänoo Zan. Moritz is a featured reader, along with Andrea Thompson, Diana Manole and Lisa Richter.
“Where I’m From.” The Toronto Writers Collective (TWC) empowers the voices and illuminates the undiscovered strength in Toronto’s most vulnerable and disenfranchised communities. Together, we worked to create a special video installation at Toronto’s Union Station capturing the strength and depth of TWC’s latest anthologies: Front Lines: Bent, Not Broken and Front Lines: Until The Words Run Pure.
Moritz’s Introduction:
The video installation:
In hia role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, the editors of The Star ask Moritz to read a selection of Haiku composed by Star readers in the wake of the U.S. Presidential Election.
Here’s a link to the article as it appeared in The Star on November 4, 2020.
And here’s the video!
Moritz is the featured speaker at an online event co-sponsored by The Ottawa International Writers Festival & Versefest2020. He is interviewed by his friend, acclaimed poet David O’Meara.
On Thursday, November 19, at 3:00 pm, Moritz takes part in the Victoria College Faculty Reading series along with colleague and fellow poet, Sarah Dowling.
Kirby at knife | fork | book for including As Far As You Know in kfb’s year-end round-up.
Website Announcement
The Mayor’s Evening for the Arts, 2020, takes place online and Moritz attends as Poet Laureate.
Moritz’s book, As Far As You Know, is included in the CBC’s list of Best Books of Canadian Poetry for 2020!
Here’s what the CBC had to say:
“As Far As You Know (A. F. Moritz, House of Anansi Press) is divided into six sections each dealing with a different concept, from terrorism to friendship. This collection dives deep into the poet’s mind revealing his ongoing obsessions with beauty, impermanence, social conscience, responsibility and love.”
Poet Anna Yin’s translations of three of Moritz’s poems into Chinese appear in WePoetry, Mirrors and Windows [January, Vol. 28, 2021.] Yin offers her versions of “A Narrow Silent Throat,” “Every Step was into a New World,” and “Poetry.”
This trio appears alongside Yin’s translations of poems by Molly Peacock, Alice Major, and former Toronto Poet Laureate George Elliott Clarke.
Additionally, Yin posts two poems of her own dedicated to Molly Peacock and to Moritz.
Website Announcement
The first of two Emotion Put into Measure podcasts featuring Moritz airs: Al Moritz: Sweet, Dramatic, Relaxing Early Poems.
Moritz’s interview with the Emotion Put into Measure, Poetry Matters Podcast airs. Moritz discusses his role as Poet Laureate.
Two of Moritz’s poems appear in Issue 4 (2.15.21) of Volume online poetry magazine. The poems printed in this issue are: “The Only Remaining Flower” and “Long Struggle and Float.” Additionally, Moritz has an interview with Communications and Features Editor [and former student!] Lauren Peat.
Moritz participates in Here is Elsewhere, Literature in Translation. On Friday, February 19, 2021, from 7 -8 PM, Moritz and Iacobelli discuss and read the poetry of Ludwig Zeller. Their moderator is Beatriz Hausner.
This event airs live on zoom. It is presented by Literary Translators’ Association of Canada / Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada, as part of its focus on Ontario.
Watch the video in its entirety:
The the Saint Mary’s University Reading Series presents Don Domanski: A Celebration. This is a live zoom event dedicated to the poetry of Don Domanski, winner of the Governor General’s Award, the CBC Literary Prize, and the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia Masterworks Award, among other honours.
Readers include: Brian Bartlett, Yvonne Blomer, Marilyn Bowering, Lorna Crozier, Barry Dempster, Tonja Gundvaldsen Klaassen, Ross Leckie, Richard Lemm, Tim Lilburn, Alexander MacLeod, Alice Major, A.F. Moritz, David O’Meara, Arleen Paré, Shannon Quinn, John Reibetanz, Sue Sinclair, Carmine Starnino, John Steffler, Yvonne Trainer, and Margo Wheaton.
In his role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, Moritz reads his poem, “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke” at the March 10, 2021 meeting of Toronto City Council. The poem commemorates twelve months of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here’s a video of Moritz reading of the poem, introduced by Mayor John Tory:
Here’s a video the CBC put together featuring the poem and images of Toronto:
And, here’s a link to the poem’s publication in the March 10 Books Section of The Toronto Star: Toronto’s Poet Laureate A.F. Moritz Marks a Year of The Pandemic in a Poem, “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke,” You Can Read It Here.

On March 11, The Star features excerpts from the poem in its print edition: [website] | [pdf]
On March 25, 2021, “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke” is read into the record (“Hansard”) of the Ontario legislature by MPP Percy Hatfield (Windsor-Tecumseh).
Gordon Hill Press publishes Moritz’s book, The Garden. The book is comprised of a long-form poem, “The Garden in the Midst,” and an essay, “The Poet’s Garden.” Moritz originally composed the work in response to the 1992 L.A. Riots and set it aside for some time. In 2020, with the police murder of George Floyd, Moritz took up the project again and expanded and revised. The book suggests that only the essence of poetry can prove antithetical antidote—if there can even be one—to these human crimes and tragedies.
On Sunday, April 25, Moritz takes part in the Gordon Hill Press Spring 2021 Launch Party. He launches The Garden, a poem and an essay, alongside Roxanna Bennett’s The Untranslatable I, Khashayar Mohammadi’s Me, You, Then Snow, and Concetta Principe’s Stars Need Counting.
Here’s the full launch party, which can also be viewed on YouTube:
Those looking for Moritz’s specific appearance can begin the video at around the 43 minute mark.
Soon after, The Garden is part of the CBC’s list of 55 Canadian Poetry Collections to Check Out in Spring 2021.
As Far As You Know is among this year’s five finalists for the Trillium Book Award in English, awarded by Ontario Creates. Moritz shares the honour with Craig Davidson, Farzana Doctor, Emma Donoghue, and Souvankham Thammavongsa.
Here’s the official video announcement from Ontario Creates:
For a full list of nominees, read the newswire press release | [pdf].
In his role as Poet Laureate, Moritz attends the 2021 Mayor’s Lunch Online.
Moritz appears on the CBC Ideas podcast on May 13, 2021, on the episode entitled, No Feeling is Final: The Wisdom of Rainer Maria Rilke.
Listen here:
The same day, the CBC’s Pauline Holdsworth publishes a companion to the podcast, “Live the Questions Now, Reading Rilke in a Time of Uncertainty.” [pdf]
“Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke” is printed for the first time in its full version in the Summer 2021 issue of Long Live Queen West, the print magazine of the Queen West BIA.
Here is a link to the Summer Issue of the magazine on Issuu.
Here is the feature page for the poem.
Here is an image of the the poem as it appears in the magazine.
Here is a pdf of the featured spread.
Vakxikon publishes Σπουργίτης, Stergia Kavvalou’s Greek translation of Moritz’s short poems from The Sparrow. And Moritz’s great friend, the poet and translator Beatriz Hausner provides an introduction.
You can purchase copies of Σπουργίτης from the publisher Vakxikon.
The Word On The Street presents Celebrating the 2021 Trillium Book Award
Celebrating finalists for the 2021 Trillium Book Award, Ontario’s leading award for literature, awarded by Ontario Creates. Moderated by Deborah Dundas, Books Editor for the Toronto Star.
A reading of Moritz’s poem, “House,” is featured in the CanLitscape Poets & Storytellers project as part of the Jaipur Literature Festival Toronto, October 2-3, 2021.
Moritz celebrates Ravine Days with the City of Toronto. This series of events, hosted by Toronto Parks & Forestry, takes place from October 2-11, 2021. Residents can learn about the City of Toronto’s beautiful ravine system, environmentally significant areas and their biodiversity. The program includes self-directed activities, virtual and in-person events, offering something for everyone to enjoy.
As Toronto’s Poet Laureate, Moritz provides a “Haiku-a-day” to celebrate Toronto’s ravines.
The best place to find these as the event is ongoing is via Toronto Parks and Forestry’s social media channels:
Twitter: @TorontoPFR or @TOTrees | Instagram: @TorontoPFR | Facebook: @TorontoPFR
Learn more at #RavinesTO
Here are the Haiku as they appear on Twitter, daily:
October 2, 2021
October 3, 2021
October 4, 2021
October 5, 2021
October 6, 2021
October 7, 2021
October 8, 2021
October 9, 2021
October 10, 2021
October 11, 2021
Event Listing | Website Announcement
The online magazine The Artisanal Writer publishes an interview with Moritz on the craft of writing.
Moritz presents the poetry of Robert Bridges at the Art Bar’s annual Dead Poets Night reading, hosted by David Clink.
Event Listing | Website Announcement | Press Coverage, Toronto Star, February, 2022
Kathy Flaxman, special to the Toronto Star, presents her belated yet very positive coverage of the December, 2021 Dead Poet’s Society Evening, an annual Art Bar tradition, hosted by David Clink. There, Moritz presented the poetry of Robert Bridges.
Original Event Listing | Original Website Announcement | Website Announcement re the Press Coverage | Toronto Star [Website] | Toronto Star, February, 2022 [PDF]
A.F. Moritz gives a brief introductory talk for the Toronto Bengali community’s celebration of Basha Shahid Dibos, Martyrs and International Mother Tongue Day, held online and on NRB TV. This six-hour event begins at 8 p.m., Sunday, February 20, the eve of the holiday, and features the marking of the day itself at 12:01 a.m. February 21, the anniversary of the 1952 police killing of peaceful Bengali demonstrators asking for official language recognition of Bengali (Bangla) in what is now Bangladesh.
This event was the origin of the United Nations’ establishment of February 21 as international Mother Language Day. The UNESCO declaration states: ‘The mother language, in which the first words are uttered and individual thought expressed, is the foundation for the history and culture of each individual.’
In his role as Poet Laureate of Toronto and along with High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Canada Dr. Khalilur Rahman, he declares the opening of the Canadian Basha Shahid Dibos celebration. Special guests include Nathaniel Erskine-Smith MP and Dolly Begum MP. Presented by renowned writer and researcher Subrata Kumar Das. Canada’s Bangladeshi organizers, thinkers, writers, artists and cultural personalities form the heart of this 6-hour non-stop event. There are songs, poems, discussions and much more.
The video in its entirety is available on Facebook Live:
Watch Moritz’s Participation here:
A.F. Moritz, one of Canada’s most esteemed and decorated poets, is VIU’s Ralph Gustafson Distinguished Poet for 2021-22. The annual lecture will take place at the Ralph Gustafson Lecture Theatre in the Arts and Sciences Building (Bldg. 355) on March 3 at 7:30 pm at Vancouver Island University’s Nanaimo campus.
His talk, entitled “Poetry: Present Future of the Past” will discuss the phenomenon of what writers choose to let live on the page. “For all my love of writing, reading, books, printed pages, I insist that poetry is in its sound,” writes Moritz. “Then what is the role of the preserved poem, the written poem, the poem perhaps written while it is being sung, bit by bit?” After recently publishing a collection of his selected works, Moritz has come to believe that all poems engage the mystery of what memories and feelings in us are chosen and developed, what is not just experienced but left for posterity.
A.F. Moritz has written over 20 books of poetry, and won numerous awards including the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Griffin Poetry Prize, and the Award in Literature of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He has also won the Bess Hokin Award of Poetry magazine, the Elizabeth Matchett Stover Award of the Southwest Review, the ReLit Award, selection to the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, and three of his books have been named finalists for the Governor General’s Award. In 2021, As Far As You Know was a finalist for Ontario’s Trillium Award. Moritz is presently the Poet Laureate of the City of Toronto (2019-2023).
Moritz will deliver this year’s Gustafson Lecture in person at the Ralph Gustafson Lecture Theatre in the Arts and Sciences Building (Bldg. 355, max 50 persons; proof of vaccination required). On Wed March 2, Moritz will read from his work at the Innovation Room in the Windsor Plywood Trades Discovery Centre (Bldg. 108, Room 105, max 30 persons). Both events are open to the public and will be streamed.
Reading and Q&A
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – 4 pm (Pacific) / 7 pm (Eastern)
Gustafson Lecture
Thursday, March 3, 2022 – 7 pm (Pacific) / 10 pm (Eastern)
Register for Zoom online stream. To put your name on the list for attendees for one or both events, please email
VIU is located on the unceded territories of the Snuneymuxw, Tla’amin, Snaw-naw-as and Quw’utsun peoples. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work, and create on this beautiful land.
Event Post, Reading | Event Post, Lecture | Website Announcement | Gustafson Trust Official Presser | VIU News Presser
During the Covid-19 crisis, several poets launched books rather quietly into the world. In his role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, Moritz helps re-launch those books to the public. In conjunction with the City of Toronto, the League of Canadian Poets and Toronto’s Art Bar, he presents Lost Launches, a series of readings celebrating books published during the pandemic. The launches take place on the last Tuesday of the month from March to June, at the Art Bar at Clinton’s in Toronto.
Moritz begins this series by selecting the work of these seven poets:
George Elliot Clarke, White (Gaspereau)
Jean Eng, Festival of All Souls (Inana)
Joe Fiorito, All I Have Learned Is Where I Have Been (Véhicule)
Catherine Graham, Æther: An Out-of0Body Lyric (Wolsak and Wynn)
Khashayar Mohammadi, Me, You, Then Snow (Gordon Hill)
Lisa Richter, Nautilus and Bone (Frontenac)
Deborah Dundas, “Toronto Poet Laureate A.F. Moritz Finds a Place to Celebrate Local Writer and Hold the Book Launches They Almost Lost,” The Star, March 28, 2022 [website] | [pdf]
CBC Here and Now with Gil Deacon, March 29, 2022. Julianne Hazlewood interviews Al about his new Lost Launches series at The Art Bar.
CBC Here & Now Clip:
Moritz joins Poets Laureate from Across Ontario at a bilingual reading hosted by the Ontario Poet Laureate.
In his role as Poet Laureate, Moritz attends the Mayor’s Arts Lunch, sponsored by the Toronto Arts Foundation.
TAF Event Website | YouTube Live Coverage | Event Listing
During the Covid-19 crisis, several poets launched books rather quietly into the world. In his role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, Moritz helps re-launch those books to the public. In conjunction with the City of Toronto, the League of Canadian Poets and Toronto’s Art Bar, he presents Lost Launches, a series of readings celebrating books published during the pandemic. The launches take place on the last Tuesday of the month from March to June, at the Art Bar at Clinton’s in Toronto.
For the second event in the series, Moritz has selected the work of these poets:
Antonia Facciponte, To Make a Bridge [Black Moss, 2021]
Hoa Nguyen, A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure [Wave Books, 2021]
Gavin Barrett, Understan [Mawenzi House, 2020]
Bruce Meyer, Grace of Falling Stars [Black Moss, 2021]
Conor McDonnell, Recovery Community [Mansfield, 2020]
Michael Fraser, The Day-Breakers [Biblioasis, 2022]
Paul Edward Costa, The Long Train of Chaos [Kung Fu Treachery, 2019]
Lily Wang, Saturn Peach [Gordon Hill, 2020]
Natasha Ramoutar, Bittersweet [Mawenzi House, 2021]
Ivy Reiss, There is a Place [Aeolus House, 2020]
Website Announcement | Event Page

On Saturday, May 28th, 2022, 7:30pm, Moritz takes part in a Rooftop Poetry reading with fellow poets, Allan Briesmaster, Beatriz Hausner, Luciano Iacobelli, Corrado Paina, and Giovanna Riccio. This event takes place at Campagna Bronze, at 1718 Queen Street West, in Toronto. This makes for a festive conclusion to the Campagna Sculpture Show, which runs both Friday [4-9pm] and Saturday [1-9pm] at the gallery.
Moritz presents the third evening in an ongoing series, Lost Launches, 7pm, May 31, 2022, at the Art Bar (Clinton’s, 693 Bloor W, Toronto). In his role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, he helps launch books of poetry whose proper entrance into the world was stymied by the Covid-19 crisis. With the support of The City of Toronto, The League of Canadian Poets, and the Art Bar, he continues this series by presenting the work of eight poets, as well as his own book, As Far As You Know! Taking over as emcee for the evening will be poet Kate Marshall Flaherty!
Edward Carson, Whereabouts, McGill-Queens, 2021
Beatriz Hausner, Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart, Book*hug, 2020
James Lindsay, Double Self-Portrait, Wolsak & Wynn, 2020
Jessica Moore, The Whole Singing Ocean, Harbour, 2020
A.F. Moritz, As Far As You Know, Anansi, 2020
Stedmond Pardy, The Pleasures of this Planet Aren’t Enough, Mosaic, 2021
Tyler Pennock, Bones, Brick Books, 2021
Adam Sol, Broken Dawn Blessings, ECW, 2021
Andrea Thompson, A Selected History of Soul Speak, Frontenac, 2021

The fourth and final evening in the series, Lost Launches, 7pm, June 28, 2022, at the Art Bar (Clinton’s, 693 Bloor W, Toronto). In his role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, Moritz has been proud to help launch books of poetry whose proper entrance into the world was stymied by the Covid-19 crisis. With the support of The City of Toronto, The League of Canadian Poets, and the Art Bar, he concludes this series by selecting the work of:
Sue Chenette, Clavier, Paris, Alyssum (Aeolus, 2020)
Pat Connors, The Other Life (Mosaic, 2021)
Robert Colman, Democratically Applied Machine (Palimpsest, 2020)
Jennifer Hosein, A Map of Rain Days (Guernica, 2020)
Marvyne Jenoff, Climbing the Rain (Silver Bow, 2022)
Martin Jones, The Slow Knot of Time (Cyberwit, 2021)
Grace Lau, The Language We Were Never Taught to Speak (Guernica, 2021)
Laura K McRae, Were There Gazelle, (Pedlar, 2020)
Ruth Panofsky, Radiant Shards (Inanna 2020)
Mary Rykov, Some Conditions Apply, (Inanna, 2020)
Rasiqra Revulva, Cephalopography 2.0 (Wolsak & Wynn, 2020)
Dani Spinosa, 00: Typewriter Poems (Invisible, 2020)
Kate Sutherland, The Bones are There (Book*hug, 2020)
Poet Kate Marshall Flaherty serves as emcee for the evening.
Moritz attends the International Jacques Ellul Society Conference at McGill University in Montreal. This year’s conference is entitled, “The Arts, Culture, and Environment in a Technological Society: Revisiting Jacques Ellul.”
The conference is preceded by a July 7 symposium: “Music and Antifascism: Reflections on the Past and Possibilities in the Present.” This symposium takes place at the Thomson House Ballroom, followed by a welcome event and a concert.
On July 8-9, the conference, “The Arts, Culture, and Environment in a Technological Society: Revisiting Jacques Ellul” takes place at the Thomson House Ballroom at McGill.
At 3:00pm on Friday, July 8, Moritz presents the paper, “’The saddest songs are often the most beautiful’: The Secret Centrality of the Poetic in the Sociology of Jacques Ellul.” This presentation forms part of Session Three, “Artistic Practice Between Word and Image”.
He also chairs Session Six, “Potentials and Prospects of Culture and Technology,” at 1:00pm on Saturday, July 9.
The conference concludes on Sunday, July 10, with a 10:30am guided tour of the exhibition, “Feedback #6: Marshall McLuhan and the Arts” at Fonderie Darling.
Click Here for a Complete Conference Program
Someone Editions, with Toronto Poet Laureate Al Moritz and poet Beatriz Hausner, presents new works by Luciano Iacobelli and Deborah Barnett with the launch of a multidisciplinary artists’ book event, Open Cut.
Exhibition and Readings take place at Someone Editions Book Salon and Gallery, 2059 Dundas Street West, Toronto, M6R 1W8.
Moritz appears as the day’s feature on the Eh Poetry Podcast.
Listen Here:
At 2:00pm on Saturday, September 17, Moritz appears online with the Oakville Literary Café, in Partnership with the Oakville Literary Alliance.
The Oakville Literary Café is a monthly session in which a featured writer reads and in which attendees are invited to share their own writing or just listen. As the scheduled speaker for September, Moritz reads from new work as well as old. He also enjoys what the series attendees bring to the table.
On Wednesday, September 21st, from 11:30am to 1:00 pm, Moritz takes part in Liter-Art-I: Poetry at the Art Table, sponsored by The Stop’s Wychwood Open Door, in Partnership with St. Clair Arts Network (SCAN) and The Creative Vocalization Studio.
Moritz and fellow guest poets, Jill Andrew, George Elliott Clarke, and Clifton Joseph read poems and encourage attendees to write poetry, read poetry, or create an art piece inspired by their words.
Website Announcement | Event Listing
For the Toronto International Festival of Authors, Moritz takes part in a project for the ReRead Series, responding to T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land. TIFA, in partnership with Aké Arts and Books Festival and Bristol Ideas has invited 12 poets from Canada, Nigeria and the United Kingdom to write a poem responding to TS Eliot’s work. The Poet Laureate takes part in the project in three ways:
- September 23 to October 2: The Waste Land Project Installation
Participating poets’ ReRead texts will be incorporated into an installation piece in which recordings of the poets reading their poems made accessible smart devices via QR codes placed around the Festival Campus. - September 25: Theatre of War: The Waste Land Project
Poets from Ukraine, Toronto, and other parts of the world come together across borders and boundaries to present readings and reflections on each other’s poems as a catalyst for dialogue, healing, connection and community. - September 30: The Re-Read: A.F. Moritz on T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land
Moritz is joined by fellow poet John Reibetanz as they read and discuss their responses to The Waste Land.
Moritz is a featured reader at the Sixth Edition of “5 Poets Breaking into Song” cohosted by The Tartan Turban Reading Series. This evening also features the work of Micheline Maylor, and Bruce Meyer, as well as the posthumous work of Irving Layton and Libby Scheier.
Each poet (or their proxy) reads some of their own poetry, followed by the performance of an original song: one of their poems set to music by D.D. Jackson.
Here, Moritz reads his poetry. And James Rolfe performs an original setting of Moritz’s “Coda: The Blues.”
Morita takes part in a Tribute and Readings in Memory of his friend and fellow poet, Luciano Iacobelli [d. 30 Aug 2022].
The event takes place beginning at 7:00pm, at the Centre for Social Innovation, Annex location, 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto.
Poets from Ukraine, Toronto, and other parts of the world come together across borders and boundaries to present readings and reflections on each other’s poems as a catalyst for dialogue, healing, connection and community.
This free, public event, presented by Theater of War Productions and Toronto International Festival Authors, features dramatic readings of selections from The Waste Land by prominent actors, followed by a group of poets, in person and on screen, reading poems in response to the poem, culminating in a guided audience discussion, facilitated by Bryan Doerries (Artistic Director, Theater of War Productions), aimed at cultivating healing, connection and community.
The Waste Land Project features readings by Madhur Anand (Canadian poet and professor of ecology and sustainability), A.F Moritz (poet laureate of Toronto), Erin Robinsong (poet and interdisciplinary artist), Jeffrey Wright (award-winning actor), Ukrainian poet Halyna Kruk (poet, translator, professor of Medieval Literature at Lyviv State University), Alex Averbuch (poet, translator) and Iryna Shuvalova (poet).
Event Listing | Website Announcement
The Toronto International Festival of Authors explores the influential books and writers who defined genres and captivated readers for decades. Each session of The Re-Read features a contemporary writer discussing a favourite book or author, to offer their insight as an author and share their joy as a reader.
In this session, Toronto’s 6th Poet Laureate, and “Master of Metaphor”, A.F. Moritz presents a newly commissioned poem responding to T.S. Eliot’s famed poem The Waste Land. Moritz is joined by friend and fellow poet John Reibetanz, who will also share his response to The Waste Land and engage in conversation.
Celebrating the launch of a full series of Gordon Hill Press audiobooks, including all their poetry titles up until this year.
- Roxanna Bennett’s “unmeaningable”
- Tom Prime / Gary Barwin’s “A Cemetery for Holes”
- Danny Jacobs’ “Sourcebooks for Our Drawings”
- Mike Chaulk’s “Night Lunch”
- Amy LeBlanc’s “I know something you don’t know”
- Travis Lane’s “Keeping Count”
- Lily Wang’s “Saturn Peach”
- Khashayar Mohammadi’s “Me, You, Then Snow”
- Roxanna Bennett’s “The Untranslatable I”
- A. F. Moritz’s “The Garden”
- Kevin Heslop’s “the correct fury of your why is a mountain”
- MLA Chernoff’s [Squelch Procedures]
- Ayaz Pirani’s “How Beautiful People Are”
The press hosts short readings by many of the authors, including Moritz, and a giveaway for some of the new audiobooks.
On Saturday, October 15, Moritz attends a one-day “Symposium on Emma Goldman 82 Years After Her Death in Toronto.” In the evening, he is introduced as the featured reader in the panel, “Remembering Goldman Through Poetry,” chaired by Franca Iacovetti and Cynthia Wright. He reads a poem and takes part in a Q&A.
The Minstrels & Bards reading series presents a celebration of Halloween with poetry and music. The event takes place from 7:00pm to 9:15 pm on Tuesday, October 25th, at the Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto. Featured readers and all attendees are encouraged to come as a persona, in masquerade or in costume.
Featured readers include Moritz, Beatriz Hausner, Stephen Humphrey, Clela Errington, Kate Rogers, and Maggie Fraser.
A special lecture and reception at Victoria University to celebrate the Honorary Doctorate conferred on Dr. Blake Charles Goldring in 2021. Goldring is a long-time supporter of the VicOne Norman Jewison Stream in Imagination and the Arts. The event also celebrates Moritz’s retirement from his role as the Blake C. Goldring Professor of the Arts and Society at Victoria University at the University of Toronto.
The Seventh Edition of 5 Poets Breaking into Song at The Canadian Music Centre, 20 St. Joseph Street, Toronto at 7:00pm on November 19. An evening of poetry, music, and song. The evening features the work of five poets: Ayesha Chatterjee, Irving Layton [posthumous], Gwedolyn MacEwen [posthumous], Giovanna Riccio and A.F. Moritz. Musicians: Juliet Palmer [pianist], James Rolfe [composer and singer] and Karen Usha [singer].
Event Listing | Website Announcement
An evening of readings from the late Luciano Iacobelli’s poetry by more than 25 writers: Monday, November 21, 7 p.m. at Clinton’s 693 Bloor Street West.
On Thursday, March 23, 2023, Moritz travels to the Hazel McCallion Campus of Sheridan College for the launch of The Ampersand Review, Issue 3. Along with Naben Ruthnum and Ann Yu-Kyung Choi, he takes part in the panel on “Borders: Canadian Writing in Communities, the Country, and the World.” This discussion is followed by a reception to celebrate the launch of Issue No. 3. where guests are invited to mix and mingle with contributors from current and past issues of The Ampersand Review, staff, and the individuals who helped create The Ampersand.
On April 2, 2023, Moritz participates as a reader in a fundraiser celebrating Exile’s 50 years in publishing. The next evening, he attends the celebratory dinner for Exile’s authors.
Moritz celebrates National Poetry Month by joining The Writers’ Union of Canada in a discussion with Poets Laureate from different cities across the country. At Poetry and Place: In Conversation with Poets Laureate, we hear from Vancouver’s Fiona Tinwei Lam, Toronto’s A. F. Moritz, and Saskatchewan’s Carol Rose GoldenEagle. They discuss what it means to be a Poet Laureate and how each poet brings their community together through poetry.
Moderated by Greg Santos, this webinar runs approximately 60 minutes, including a question-and-answer period. TWUC members will have access to a recording of the webinar for 30 days.
On April 14, 2023, Moritz is the guest speaker at the Acta Victoriana launch at the Cat’s Eye on UofT Campus. Moritz discusses his role as Poet Laureate.
On April 15, 2023 at the Toronto Public Library’s Main Street Branch (137 Main Street, Toronto) Moritz reads at “Spring into Poetry.”
This event is presented by the Ontario Poetry Society and Aeolus House. And it is hosted by Allan Briesmaster, Publisher of Aeolus House and I.B. (Bunny) Iskov, Founder of The Ontario Poetry Society.
Spring into Poetry features Book Launches, Members’ Readings, Open Mic, Light Snacks & Refreshments, and a Free Raffle Draw, Including the Down-to-Earth Raffle Draw. There are many prizes of brand new books to be won.
Sponsors include Guernica Editions, Brick Books, Craigleigh Press, The Azrieli Foundation, Dundurn Press, Hidden Brook Press, & The Canada-Cuba Literary Alliance
On Tuesday, April 25th, in the Southern Cross Lounge at the Tranzac Club in Toronto, Moritz takes part in Minstrels and Bards. Hosted by Brenda Clews, Minstrels and Bards is a quarterly Soirée celebrating writing and music.
For Spring 2023, Beatriz Hausner and Moritz are the featured poets, along with featured musicians Glen Hornblast and Sara Craig, with Anita Keller as highlight.
In his last official appearance as Toronto’s Poet Laureate, Moritz attends the 2023 Anansi Poetry Bash.
The bash takes place on April 27th, 7:00 to 10:00pm, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Toronto!
The Bash highlights the launch of three stunning poetry collections: Jen Currin’s Trinity Street, Hannah Green’s Xanax Cowboy and Michael Crummey’s Passengers.
This year’s fête also provides the opportunity to celebrate additional collections published during the pandemic, including Sanna Wani’s My Grief, the Sun, Bardia Sinaee’s Intruder, A. F. Moritz’s As Far As You Know and Mathew Henderson’s Roguelike.
This event is also held in memory of Steven Heighton, prolific and prize-winning author, poet and musician. Heighton will be honoured with a special tribute reading.
Active History publishes an account of Moritz’s appearance, in his role as Poet Laureate, at the Emma Goldman Symposium commemorating the 40th anniversary of Goldman’s death in Toronto. This includes a video of Moritz’s reading of his long poem, “Inheriting Your Life: Homage to Emma Goldman”
Inheriting Her Life: Toronto’s Poet Laureate Remembers Emma Goldman, Active History, 1 May 2023.
Moritz officially leaves his position as Toronto’s Poet Laureate on 5 May 2023.
The Poet’s Legacy Project is yet to be announced.
On this day, City Council officially recognizes Lillian Allen as Toronto’s Seventh Poet Laureate. Congratulations!