Online Poetry Collections

In addition to an artist’s profile, the Poetry Foundation features close to three dozen poems by A.F. Moritz, including “Better Days,” “Essential Poem,” and “You That I Loved.” The essay, “What Man Has Made of Man: Can Poetry Reconnect the Individual and Society?” is among the four prose pieces. And, an audio recording of “The Jar” (read by Michael Stuhlbarg) sampled below, rounds out the list.


Representative Poetry Online

The University of Toronto’s Representative Poetry Online features over 4700 poems in English and includes a long list of poems by A.F. Moritz. Titles include “Addiction,” “Orpheus” and “Uninvited Reader.” 


Victoria University Library | Archives

The Special Collections department of the University of Toronto’s Victoria University Library holds an extensive collection of my personal papers and life’s work. Recently, I contributed an annotated edition of The Sparrow.  

Visit the Albert Frank Moritz Fonds

Additional Resources


Essay. A Remembrance of Joe Rosenblatt. April 2019. [website] | [pdf]

Bio and Link. “Lost and Found: Author Spotlight,” Canadian Literature. March 2019 [website]

 Essay. “Jacques Ellul’s Apocalypse in Poetry and Exegesis.” The Ellul Forum No. 26, Fall 2018 [website] | [pdf when available]

Review. Brian Campbell’s book of poems, Shimmer ReportVallum 14:1 Spring 2017.

Essay. “A Garden is Not a Place: Poetry and Beauty,” The 2013 Anne Szumigalski Memorial Lecture. Prairie Fire. Winter 2013 34:3 [excerpt available on website].

Essay. “What Man Has Made Man,” Poetry Daily Prose Feature. November 2009 [website] | [pdf]

Recent Publications


“The Gift” from Great Silent Ballad. Kingdom Poets, January 20, 2025. [website] | [pdf]

Six Poems from Great Silent Ballad. The High Window, August 1, 2024. [website] | [pdf] 

Poem. “The Path.” Devour, Issue 19, 2024. [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “The Dusk.” Juniper, Volume 8 Issue 1, 2024. [website] | [pdf] 

Poems. “When I Was a Child” and “This Is You.” Ars Notoria. April 4, 2024. [website] | [pdf] 

“The Grand Narrative,” from The New Measures. Kingdom Poets, September 25, 2023. [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke.” Long Live Queen West, Summer, 2021. [website] [pdf]

Poem. “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke.” The Star, March 10, 2021. [website] [pdf]

Poem. “The Only Flower Remaining.” Volume Poetry IV, February 15, 2020. [website] |[pdf]

Poem. “Long Struggle and Float.” Volume Poetry IV, February 15, 2021. [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “Names of Birds.” Anansi, April 17, 2020. [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “Slender Presence.” Poetry Pause, Biblioasis x League of Canadian Poets, April 14, 2020.  [website] | [image]

Poem. “Thoughts in Time of Plague.” The Star, April 1, 2020. [website] | [reprint]

Poem. “Faith in Hell.” The Star, November 18, 2019. [website] | [reprint] 

Poem. “Walk with Excellence 2019.” Printed on T-Shirts for the 2019 Walk with Excellence | [pdf]

Poem. “The Current of the Sugar” in Brendan Kennedy, “Redpath Sugar asked Toronto’s Poet Laureate to write a poem for its anniversary, but he refused to sugar-coat it,” The Star, May 23, 2019. [website] | [pdf] | audio:

Poem. “Their Charge of Love,” Yonge Street Tragedy Commemoration Poem in “Read Toronto Poet Laureate Al Moritz’s Poem Commemorating Van Attack Tragedy,” The Star, April 23, 2019. [website] | [pdf] 

Poem. “As Far As You Know.” The Yale Review, January 1, 2019. [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “Allegory of the Wind,” CV2: Canadian Poetry 41:3 Winter 2018.

13-Part Sequential Poem. “Waiting for Word,” Event 47:3 Winter 2018-193.

Poem. “As Far as you Know,” The Yale Review. December 2018. | [pdf]

3 Poems. “My Heart is a Bird, Green-Gold,” “Visit to West Virginia,” and “Imagination of Light,” The Antigonish Review 195, Autumn 2018.

3 Poems. “Elm Seeds,” “The Big Joke,” “Mining the Moon,” Literary Imagination, Volume 20, Issue 1, March 2018, p 35-42. These poems belong to a completed manuscript planned for future publication.

Poem. “Mastectomy,” Reprinted from The Sentinel, in Another Dysfunctional Cancer Anthology, ed. Priscila Uppal and Meaghan Strimas (Mansfield 2018).

Poem. “Oh Sunflower,” from Lost and Found Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 236 (2018): 52 on Canadian Literature online [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “You That I Love,” from The Sentinel, reprinted in UofTMagazine, Spring 2017, p.17 [website] [pdf]

Poem. “The Rhythm of Time,” The Yale Review. April 2017. Vol 5, No 2. [website] | [pdf]

Poem. “Creating Despair,” Resonance Readings [website unavailable]  | [pdf]

Poem. “Thou Poem,” Reprinted on Poetry in Voice. 2008-Present [website][pdf]

Poem. “Homage to Sleepy La Beef,” Vallum [website] | [pdf]

Poems. “Freedom,” “Simile” and “The Erotic Civilization,” The Cortland Review, Issue 3, 1998 [website] | [pdf]

Poems. Micolo’s Barbershop (via Issuu) Issue #1, beginning on Page 87 [website]  | [pdfs: ONE | TWO | THREE]

Poem. “Christmas Decorations,” The Yale Review [website] | [pdf]

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