Poetry at the Manor

On Tuesday, October 8, I represented the City of Toronto in the Seventh Annual “Poetry at the Manor” event in Windsor. There, I had the pleasure of reading poetry at Windsor’s Willistead Manor along with fellow Poets Laureate Steven Ross Smith (Banff), Victoria Butler (Barrie), Micheline Maylor (Calgary) and Windsor’s Youth Poet Laureate Samantha Badaoa. Hosting the event were Windsor Poet Laureate Mary Ann Mulhern and Poet Laureate Emeritus Marty Gervais.

This evening was covered in the Windsor Star: https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/photo-poetry-at-the-manor.

A series of fabulous photographs taken by Douglas MacLellan are available on Flickr for your perusal, courtesy of Cultural Affairs Windsor: https://www.flickr.com/photos/90638896@N04/albums/72157711263916493/with/48881212233//.

Here’s a sampling:

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