Canada’s largest book festival has gone virtual! Please join me at The Word on the Street 2020, a national celebration of literacy and Canadian writing. Each September, WOTS hosts hundreds of author readings for visitors of all ages and a vibrant marketplace featuring the best selection of books and magazines in Canada.
The festival and online marketplace runs Saturday, September 26 and Sunday, September 27. Check out their homepage for all of the details: https://toronto.thewordonthestreet.ca/ [You’ll find info about my particular session below!]
Access a full calendar of events here: https://toronto.thewordonthestreet.ca/event-directory/festival-weekend/
And, via Eventbrite, register for all Word on the Street programs: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-word-on-the-street-2020-virtual-festival-tickets-117603253497. Admission is free, but donations are gladly accepted.

On Sunday, September 27th, I will take part in an 11:00am WOTS session with poets Sachiko Murakami (Render), and Randy Lundy (Field Notes for the Self). Join us, as we traverse a series of befores and afters, experiencing the darknesses of life and exploring what comes after. This event will be moderated by Kirby of Knife | Fork | Book.
I do hope you’ll join our livestream. Here’s the tentative youtube address for the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfiqbSgi8x0&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=TheWordOnTheStreetToronto
Our session is co-sponsored by the Kingston Writers’ Fest, with closed captioning provided by Anansi/Groundwood.