CP24 Interview

I’ll be heading over to CP24 this Sunday afternoon, March 10, to be interviewed about my new role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate. The interview will take place in studio around 3:00pm. Tune in to CP24 Toronto via your television provider, stream on CP24.com/now  or check out the video library on CP24.com to see if the segment becomes archived.

Crosscurrents I

I'm pleased to invite you to a special evening of readings and conversation with Victoria College Faculty and authors Adam Sol, Albert Moritz, Robert McGill and Sarah Dowling, "Crosscurrents Part 1: Vic Faculty Reading & Discussion", on Tuesday, March 15, 6:00pm EST. The event will be hosted by writer, editor and teacher Canisia Lubrin. The event is open to the […]

TIFA: The ReRead, A.F. Moritz on T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land

Join us at the Toronto International Festival of Authors, as we explore the influential books and writers who defined genres and captivated readers for decades. Each session of The Re-Read features a contemporary writer discussing a favourite book or author, to offer their insight as an author and share their joy as a reader. In […]

Launch of Ampersand Review, Issue 3 – POSTPONED

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. I WILL POST THE NEW TIME AND DATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Please join me on Thursday, February 23, 2023, for the launch of the Ampersand Review, Issue 3. Along with Naben Ruthnum and Ann Yu-Kyung Choi, I will take part in the panel on "Borders: […]

Launch of Ampersand Review, Issue 3 – NEW DATE

I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE A NEW DATE AND TIME FOR THE LAUNCH OF THE AMPERSAND REVIEW, ISSUE 3! Please join me on Thursday, March 23, 2023, for the launch of the Ampersand Review, Issue 3. Along with Naben Ruthnum and Ann Yu-Kyung Choi, I will take part in the panel on "Borders: Canadian Writing […]

Toronto Launch of The Civilizing Discourse

Véhicule Press and Flying Books invite you to the launch of The Civilizing Discourse: Interviews with Canadian Poets, Edited by Evan Jones. The event will be hosted by Derek Webster, with special guest A.F. Moritz, who is one of the poets interviewed in Jones' book. The event takes place on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at […]

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