Radio Interview: CBC Metro Morning with Matt Galloway – BUMPED

RESCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY! I will be on CBC Metro Morning with Matt Galloway on Thursday, March 7 Friday, March 8, to discuss my new role as Poet Laureate of the City of Toronto. CBC Metro Morning airs on CBC Radio One 99.1 Toronto, Weekdays from 5:30-8:30 am. Listen Live Here: I will provide a more […]

Radio Interview: CBC Metro Morning with Matt Galloway

I will be on CBC Metro Morning with Matt Galloway on Friday, March 8 to discuss my new role as Poet Laureate of the City of Toronto. CBC Metro Morning airs on CBC Radio One 99.1 Toronto, Weekdays from 5:30-8:30 am. Listen to the segment here:

CP24 Interview

I’ll be heading over to CP24 this Sunday afternoon, March 10, to be interviewed about my new role as Toronto’s Poet Laureate. The interview will take place in studio around 3:00pm. Tune in to CP24 Toronto via your television provider, stream on  or check out the video library on to see if the segment becomes archived.

Word on the Street: “Writing With The City in Mind”

Join me in the Toronto Star Tent at Toronto's Word on the Street this Sunday, September 22, 2019 from 3:00 to 3:45 pm for a panel on "Writing With The City in Mind." I will join authors Devyani Saltzman and Kevin Hardcastle for a discussion about writers and writing in Toronto. The event will be […]

Club Night: A.F. Moritz in Conversation with Michael Redhill

Toronto Arts & Letters Club 14 Elm Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

On Monday, October 21, 2019, I will have a discussion with Michael Redhill at a dinner for members of the Arts & Letters Club (14 Elm Street, Toronto). This will conclude my tenure as the E.J. Pratt Special Member for Literature of the Club. This is a private event reserved for members of the Toronto […]


You'll have two chances to hear me chat with Tom Power on CBC Radio tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28, 2020. In the morning, you can listen for me on The Current between 8:30 and 11:00 am EST. Here's a link to this program's Home Page. And here's the link to CBC Listen Live. In the evening, […]

HOWL Radio Interview – CIUT 89.5 FM Toronto

On Tuesday, August 4, between 10 and 11pm, I will appear on Tuesday Night's instalment of HOWL on CIUT 89.5 FM Toronto, interviewed by Valentino Assenza! Check it out:  

Poetry in Translation: East Meets West with Anna Yin

On Saturday, August 29, at 3:00 p.m., join me for Poetry in Translation: East Meets West, a zoom interview with Anna Yin. We will read and discuss poetry and translation, touching upon the myth of "lost in translation," the art of re-creation, and the mutual exchange or benefits of the process. This is part two […]

Word on the Street

Join me at a new, virtual Word on the Street. This celebration of books and magazine goes online Saturday, September 26 and Sunday, September 27, 2020. Register via eventbrite now! Admission is free, but donations are also accepted upon registration. Here's a link to the festival calendar: I am slated to appear on […]

Word on the Street: Poets on the Tangibility of Living

As part of this year's virtual Word on the Street Programming, join poets Sachiko Murakami (Render), Randy Lundy (Field Notes for the Self), and myself, as we traverse a series of befores and afters, experiencing the darknesses of life and exploring what comes after. This event will be moderated by Kirby of Knife | Fork | Book. I […]

Toronto International Festival of Authors – Toronto Writers Collective Launch

Please join me for the Toronto International Festival of Authors, where, on October 22, 2020 at 5:oo pm, I will be part of the Toronto Writers Collective Launch. Celebrate the launch of two new anthologies from the Toronto Writers Collective (TWC): Front Lines: Bent Not Broken and Front Lines: Until the Woods Run Pure. The books feature the […]

Ottawa International Writers Festival/Versefest2020: As Far As You Know with A.F. Moritz

 Moritz’s sensibility is unique: melancholic, intellectual, comic, erotic, pitying . . . The emotional content of Moritz’s work is so abundant and accessible that the reader is never lost. — National Post Join me on Sunday, November 8, at 2pm for an online event co-sponsored by The Ottawa International Writers Festival & Versefest2020. I will […]

Word on the Street: Celebrating the 2021 Trillium Book Award

The Word On The Street presents Celebrating the 2021 Trillium Book Award Celebrating finalists for the 2021 Trillium Book Award, Ontario's leading award for literature, awarded by Ontario Creates. Moderated by Deborah Dundas, Books Editor for the Toronto Star. This panel will stream live Saturday, September 25 at 11:30am ET. Register for this FREE event via Eventbrite: […]

Crosscurrents I

I'm pleased to invite you to a special evening of readings and conversation with Victoria College Faculty and authors Adam Sol, Albert Moritz, Robert McGill and Sarah Dowling, "Crosscurrents Part 1: Vic Faculty Reading & Discussion", on Tuesday, March 15, 6:00pm EST. The event will be hosted by writer, editor and teacher Canisia Lubrin. The event is open to the […]

TIFA: The ReRead, A.F. Moritz on T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land

Join us at the Toronto International Festival of Authors, as we explore the influential books and writers who defined genres and captivated readers for decades. Each session of The Re-Read features a contemporary writer discussing a favourite book or author, to offer their insight as an author and share their joy as a reader. In […]

Launch of Ampersand Review, Issue 3 – POSTPONED

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. I WILL POST THE NEW TIME AND DATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Please join me on Thursday, February 23, 2023, for the launch of the Ampersand Review, Issue 3. Along with Naben Ruthnum and Ann Yu-Kyung Choi, I will take part in the panel on "Borders: […]

Launch of Ampersand Review, Issue 3 – NEW DATE

I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE A NEW DATE AND TIME FOR THE LAUNCH OF THE AMPERSAND REVIEW, ISSUE 3! Please join me on Thursday, March 23, 2023, for the launch of the Ampersand Review, Issue 3. Along with Naben Ruthnum and Ann Yu-Kyung Choi, I will take part in the panel on "Borders: Canadian Writing […]

Poetry and Place Webinar: In Conversation with Poets Laureate

Celebrate National Poetry Month and join The Writers' Union of Canada in a discussion with Poets Laureate from different cities across the country. At Poetry and Place: In Conversation with Poets Laureate, hear from Vancouver’s Fiona Tinwei Lam, Toronto’s A. F. Moritz, and Saskatchewan’s Carol Rose GoldenEagle. Learn what it means to be a Poet […]

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