Tamaracks: Canadian Poetry for the 21st-Century

Edited by James Deahl

Lummox Press, 2018

Tamaracks presents the work of 113 Canadian poets from Halifax (Brian Purdy) to Vancouver (Daniel Eliza). The anthology contains 183 pages of poetry and 54 pages of full bibliographies and biographies. Included are many new and veteran Canadian poets from every region. Familiar names include Lorna Crozier, Robert Currie, Laurence Hutchman, Luciano Iacobelli, John B. Lee, Shane Neilson, Gianna Patriarcha, Linda Rogers, Glen Sorestad, Lynn Tate, and many others. Tamaracks is the first major anthology of Canadian poetry to be published in the United States since Open Field 30  (2005; ed. Sina Queyras).

A.F. Moritz’s poems are “Baltimore May 2015”, “Philosopher and Southern Ohio”, and “Names of Birds” which belong to a completed but not yet published book.

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