Phantoms in the ark by A F Moritz 400 x 618Phantoms in the Ark / Fantasmas En El Arca

with Ludwig Zeller and Susana Wald

Ronsdale Press, 1994

from the publisher

Together and apart, the poet A. F. Moritz and the artist Ludwig Zeller enact the search for meaning within a shattered mechanical universe. The poem is present as well in a Spanish translation by Susana Wald, who has also conducted an interview with the poet and artist.

“An ancient voice, mournful like the wind, speaks to itself yet means to be overheard in A.F. Moritz’s amazing poem, Phantoms in the Ark. We seem to hear shattered echoes from the Bible, Dante, Petrarch or Scève bound up in Maldoror’s cruel eloquence, here perfectly attuned to Ludwig Zeller’s wry, Dada-inspired illustrations.”
— John Ashbery

Phantoms in the Ark is a wildly gripping, vividly imaginative collaboration between collagist, poet, and translator. A terrific book.”
— Mark Strand

“A. F. Moritz is a poet of originality, daring, and projection. A remarkable voice and range of imagination.”
— W. S. Merwin

Order the book from Ronsdale Press

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